The Silk Road Fashion Designers is a non-profit  organisation, founded in Hong Kong on the 19th of June 2017, that provides training and support for the new generation of fashion designers, assisting them in their future developments. Our association aims to bring together young innovators across related industries, and give them access to an efficient learning environment by providing them with top-quality European fabrics in conjunction with professional guidance from elite fashion designers. The vision is to assist them in their learning curve towards successful thriving in the international market.

The organisation is constantly finding partners and seeking opportunities to run fashion shows to display the products of the young designers, in pursuance of greater popularity and recognition for them. Since Silk Road Fashion Designer's inauguration in June 2017, it has already advertised their young fashion designer's work through three grand-scale fashion shows, and now intends to further increase the frequency of the promotional events for the new generation of haute-couture designers.